Duet for glass vessels and electronics

Premiered Jan 10., 2023
EMTA - Tallinn, EE

Aaron Gochberg, Janine Jop
Aaron Gochberg, Janine Jop

The life of a vessel (tr. \__/) must be a strange one, existing always in a single function. That is, to contain something else and to be defined by what you contain or how well you hold it. There are many types of “vessels”: ones which store food, others which transmit blood through the body, and some which voyage across choppy seas. Their difference, perhaps, is not found by comparing measurements of the vessels themselves, but is rather a virtue of their particular cargos. It’s a disappearing act - a thing receding towards invisibility the more closely it holds on to the other.  

But what of the infinite promises of the empty container? Are such promises equally empty? These are questions we didn’t think to ask.

It is this line of questioning and non-questioning, and that line of proposition, from which this musical collaboration between Aaron Gochberg and Janine Jop began. There isn’t a recording of this work, which seems appropriate since, after all, one only sees a container by losing sight of its content.